BLAST CHAIN will remain a Layer 2 Chain as always. However, it is being relocated to reside on a different Layer1 Blockchain, which is still an ERC20 network. The new L1 home is much faster and by far cheaper than the Ethereum L1 chain. This new location is going to be on the One World Chain around the first week of November 2024. So, instead of using ETH for gas, users will now use OWCT, which is the native utility token on the One World Chain. Things like the Batcher, Sequencer, etc., which used to require ETH to operate, will now use OWCT to operate.
The Ethereum Chain is great but operating as a Layer two (L2) on the Ethereum Chain means spending a minimum of 0.5 ETH to 1.0 ETH every single day even without any regular transactions. This is about $70,000 per month at the current ETH price of $2,460 as of Sept. 4th, 2024. This is not a knock against ETH or to discourage anyone from building L2 on Ethereum Chain. However, the current reality is that if you’re someone or a small project looking to launch a Layer2 blockchain without help from Venture Capital (VC) or similar, then doing so on the ETH Chain with the current condition, is certainly burdensome to say the least. Despite being the architect to a solution, the high transaction cost on the ETH Chain is the main reason why the decision was made to move BLAST CHAIN to the One World Chain platform.
Do not spread misinformation because I’m still a member of the SafeBLAST (BLAST) team. But I need the community, especially the top whales, to step up their involvement and/or support for the team. I need to put more effort into income generating areas as mentioned above and be able to make a tiny impact in the crypto space, which includes supporting the future of great projects like SafeBLAST (BLAST) until it is largely adopted. Majority of what I’ve done in the past three and half years is voluntarily work, work, work and spend, spend, spend for the community. My Dad once told me to always think, “No income, means no expenditure, period.” This is the best way to separate your wants from needs. If not, you’ll run yourself into the ground.